Statutory Advocacy

Sometimes you might be legally entitled to advocacy support. This is called ‘statutory advocacy’. It includes support for people under the Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act and Care Act. We provide statutory advocacy to the National Autistic Centre, Mitford at Northgate Hospital and provide contracts on a one-off contract basis. Please visit our Spot Contract Advocacy page to learn more and to make a referral.

I used the Advocacy Service at the times when I was most ill. They helped me to survive.

  • Independent Mental Health Act Advocate (IMHA) supports people subject to a Mental Health Act section around their care and treatment, ensuring their rights are upheld. Referrals must be made by the person on a section, their relative or their clinician.
  • Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) helps people who lack mental capacity, and do not have friends or relatives to support them, to make certain important decisions. Referrals must be made by a Social Worker or Health Professional.
  • Independent Care Act Advocate (ICAA) supports people’s involvement in care and support assessment, planning and review and safeguarding processes. Referrals must be made by a Social Worker or Safeguarding team.
  • Relevant Person’s Representative ensures that the rights of people being deprived of their liberty under the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards are protected. Referrals must be made by Gateshead DoLS team.

When Connected Voice Advocacy is the advocate, I know the patient is in safe hands.

I was impressed with the way the client was supported during mental health act assessment. I could see you had a good relationship and that it was helpful having an advocate there.

If you would like to make a referral for yourself or someone else to this or any of our other advocacy services please go to our Referral section

IMHA service is adaptable and responsive to individual needs in the true essence of the role. It is important that the Independent aspect of the role is maintained and this is achieved through work to ensure sufficient knowledge on individuals’ needs and reviewing notes, meeting with patients as per their needs. There is a fine balance between ensuring this is achieved without becoming part of the MDT and ensuring independence to ensure advocating on the patients behalf and the current service achieves this well within its current remit. IMHA is responsive to patients needs and wishes and very much acting on their behalf and is an essential resource for our vulnerable patients