Volunteering Health Check - A Collaborative Session for Volunteer Coordinators

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What is a volunteering health check – and the benefits to you? A collaborative session for volunteer coordinators.

The volunteering health check is a new tool that offers a comprehensive review of your organisation’s volunteer programme.

You may be hoping to engage more volunteers as part of your organisation’s work.

You may feel that you already have a strong volunteer programme but are wondering what you could do to make it more accessible.

You may have a high volunteer turnover and wish you could see more consistency in the commitment of your volunteers.

Or you may be in the early stages of thinking about engaging volunteers and want to hear from those who have done it before.

This networking forum, run by Volunteer Centre Newcastle and Connected Voice, is an opportunity for you to access the new volunteering health check and complete it in a group-based session, benefiting from the insights of others in the sector.

The session will be interactive, with guided group-based discussion and networking opportunities with other VCSE organisations. At the end of the session, you will leave with an action plan and the opportunity for free, 1-to-1 follow up support from Connected Voice and Volunteer Centre Newcastle.

Venue: Innovation Hub, Ground Floor, One Strawberry Lane, NE1 4BX 

This session is free and is open to volunteer coordinators, including those looking to set up a volunteer programme in Newcastle.

Our training and events are funded from a variety of sources, allowing us to offer them for free to eligible organisations. Please check the eligibility requirements for each session before signing up, as this varies from course to course. If your organisation is not eligible for a free session you may be interested in one of our tailored training packages.

You can keep up to date with the latest training and events from Connected Voice by subscribing to our fortnightly email bulletin.

Attendance and value Our team have dedicated significant time and resource to create and deliver our excellent range of training and events. Connected Voice is funded for this work, allowing us to offer these events free of charge. However, we expect people who have registered to prioritise attendance and let us know as soon as possible if there is a barrier to attending. We may follow up with you if you are absent without letting us know.

Accessibility Please let us know in advance if you have any accessibility requirements that would help you get the most out of this session. We will do everything we can to accommodate them. We can provide a BSL interpreter for training and events on request, but ask you to give us enough advance notice to enable this to be organised. To maximise resources, we are unable to provide BSL interpreters for all sessions unless we know this is essential.

Evaluation This event is free to attend but all participants will be required to complete a short evaluation on completion. This feedback enables us to continue delivering a free programme of training and events.

For security and practical reasons: You can only book one place for yourself. If a colleague wants to attend, they will need to book separately themselves. You must give us all the essential information requested so that we know your registration is genuine.

If circumstances change, you must advise us as soon as possible so that the place isn’t wasted as we have limited spaces for each event. You must also advise us if a substitute person from your organisation is attending in your place. We will be monitoring non-attendance, and may not accept future bookings from regular non-attenders.

Booking form

Your Details

Phone details will only be used to contact you about last minute changes to the planed session or to provide you with technical support if required during an on-line session.

About Your organisation